Thursday, October 28, 2010


Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be awaited for, but something to be achieved.
We can dream anything we want to dream. We can do anything we want to do. We can be anything we want to be. It is simply a matter of trusting ourselves to test our limits, to push ourselves to the very edge of our natural ability and then that one glorious step beyond. I appreciate the instinct in Man that drives him to scale great peaks in life. The instinct to GO BEYOND.

The Stars only incline, they do not compel, and it is the attitude of the soul that decides the result, for:

One ship drives east and another drives west
With the self-same winds that blow,
‘Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
Which tells the way to go.

Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate
As we voyage along through life;
‘Tis the set of the soul
that decides its goal
and not the calm or the strife.

By wish, wisdom and action, you may rule your FATE through your inherent character. It has been said that ‘character is destiny’, and it is in this belief that this book is written; it is in this spirit also that it should be studied. By changing your food to suit your unique BODY-MIND-SOUL u can achieve the impossible. Remember nothing is impossible.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



People with a predominant ENDOMORPH TYPE (SALT + WATER retention)  tend to have a heavy, FATTY, large build. They are often overweight, gain weight easily and have high but lax muscle development (plump and round face).
Their skin is thick, smooth, cold, moist with few wrinkles. Their complexion is usually clear, fair or pale, and hair is oily, thick and wavy. Their teeth are strong, white and well formed.

Eat more
Eat less
HOT, Dry, light, spicy, heating foods Heavy, cold, sweet, sour, salt, fat,  watery foods
Vegetables Asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, peas, eggplant, lettuce, bell peppers, radish, spinach, zucchini Avocado, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, mushroom, potatoes, pumpkin, parsnip
Fruits Apples, apricots, pears, berries, cherries, peaches, dried fruits, papaya, cranberries, pomegranate Banana, citrus, dates, coconut, figs, grapes, mangoes, melons, pineapple, plums, rhubarb, strawberries
Grains Barley, corn, rye, millet, buckwheat Oats, rice, wheat, pasta
Beans  Mung beans, tofu, lentils Kidney beans, chick peas
Nuts & Seeds Sunflower and pumpkin seeds All nuts, sesame seeds
Dairy Skim milk, butter milk, goat milk Most dairy products
Herbs & Spices All spices Salt
Oils Corn, sunflower, mustard Most oils
Beverages Warm drinks, herbal and spice teas, fruit and vegetable juice Carbonated drinks, cold or iced drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol



People with a MESOMORPHIC Body-Type (F) display an inherent raised BMR.
 They are of medium build, with greater muscular development than that displayed by ECTOMORPHIC Body-Type (A).
 Their skin is soft and warm, and they have a lot of body heat and often perspire excessively. Their hair is thin and often reddish or blond (Being or having light colour skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes, "blond Scandinavians" and they may experience premature greying, male pattern baldness or excessive hair loss. Their skin flushes easily and they often have many freckles and moles. Their skin develops acne, rashes, bruises or sunburn easily. They are prone to all inflammatory disorders.
Eat more
Eat less
Cool, sweet, astringent, bitter and juicy foods
HOT, dry, Acidic ( sour), pungent (spicy), salty, oily foods
Barley, oats, rice, wheat
Corn, millet, rye, buckwheat
Asparagus, bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, lettuce, mushroom, peas, parsnip, potato, squash, zucchini, salads
Avocado, beets, carrots, chillies, eggplant, olives, onion, pickles, radish, spinach, tomato, turnip
Apples, banana, dates, coconut, grapes, lychee, mango, melons, pomegranate
Apricots, berries, cherries, citrus fruits, cranberries, papaya, peaches, pineapple, plums rhubarb
All beans

Nuts & Seeds
Coconut, pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Most nuts, sesame seeds
Unsalted butter, ghee, milk, soft cheeses, buttermilk, sweet lassi
Sour cream, yogurt, hard cheeses, sour buttermilk, ice cream
Herbs & Spices
Cardamom, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, lemongrass, mint, rose, turmeric
Asafoetidea, basil, bay leaf, caraway, clove, cayenne, cinnamon, fenugreek, garlic, sage, ginger, mustard seeds, nutmeg, onion, pepper,
Coconut, sunflower, soy
Almond, corn, sesame, olive, peanut
Cool drinks, milk, water, coconut milk, fruit and vegetable juice
Carbonated drinks, hot drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol



People with a predominant ectoderm display physical and emotional characteristics linked to the elemental qualities of space and air (alkalis).
They are LEAN, THIN, very active - mobile, restless and energetic. They have fast metabolisms, so are often thin with little muscle development and prominent joints that may make cracking noises and pain. Their skin is dry, rough and thin with visible veins.

Eat more
Eat less
Warm, heavy, moist, sweet, sour and salty foods
Cold, dry, light, pungent, bitter and astringent foods  
Avocado, beets, asparagus, carrots, eggplant, leeks, olives, pumpkin, radish, sweet potato, spinach , zucchini
Raw or frozen vegetables, peas, brussel sprouts, broccoli cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, corn, celery, lettuce, mushrooms, potatoes
Apricots, banana, cherries, fresh figs, peaches, citrus fruits, dates, mango, papaya, grapes, berries, pineapple, plums
Dried fruits, apples, pears, prunes, pomegranates, cranberries, melons
Rice, oats, wheat, pasta
Barley, buckwheat, rye, corn, millet, rice cakes, puffed or dry cereals
Mung beans, soy beans (in tofu, milk or cheese)
Most beans: kidney, lima, navy, pinto, split peas, white beans, black beans, lentils
Nuts & Seeds  
All nuts in moderation. Sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Dry roasted or smoked nuts
All dairy in moderation
Powdered milk, ice cream
Herbs & Spices  
Asafoetidea, basil, caraway, clove, cardamom, sage, cinnamon, pepper, coriander, cumin, fennel, garlic, onion, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric
Coriander seeds, fenugreek, parsley
Most oils, especially sesame
Corn oil
Warm drinks, herbal or spiced teas, warm milk, fruit and vegetable juice without ice.
Carbonated drinks, cold or iced drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol

Sunday, October 24, 2010

CAR ~ HUMAN being

In my book "THEORY OF TRIAD"  'have explained how this UNIVERSE is four fold. Out of these four only three are variables. The fourth your body (CAR) is fixed. Based on this theory "I had, I am and I will be" able to treat and cure all the diseases from COLD to CANCER. To me nothing is impossible!!!


After the period is over(4th /5th) day onward till the midcycle the uterus(SOIL) prepares for the entry of SPERM(Seed). At the 14th day before the next due cycle the mouth of cervix opens(as if Mandir ke darwaje khul jate hain). Prepares by discharging thin alkaline, slimy fluid so that sperm can survive(in acidic media it dies). The lady becomes hot and wants physical union. Otherwise the mouth shuts up and the secretion dries up. The desire also dies down. For creation TIMING is important.


If four parameters are taken, two polar opposite qualities (HOT/ COLD, DRY/ MOIST) than we get 4pairs:

Hot + Moist: lean. thin, agile, intelligent, fond of new n change. In romance and sex they prefer flattering/ to flirt, but are spasmodic.

Hot + Dry : doer, workholic, lot of energy and heat. They have urgency n drive.

Cold + Moist : lolipop, little bit overweigt, plump. Slow, shy, cold, like foreplay to warm-up. Occasional!!!

Cold + Dry : firm, sober, solid, introvert, shy, take time to moisten....otherwise friction...plan...don't rush

HOT n COLD are active, dynamic.
MOIST n DRY are passive.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Germinal cells--> Ecto, Meso and Endo.

Know your type

                         KNOW YOUR TYPE
Ectomorphic, Air: -   
            1. If you are lean thin, tall or short, talkative.
            2. You are agile, active & extrovert
            3. You want to communicate, collect information’s & inquisitive.
            4. While expressing you use your hands and gestures.
            5. You usually suffer from anxiety, sleeplessness, pain & constipation.

 If most of the features are present than your body is Air/ Ectomorphic/                  Sanguine.

Mesomorphic, Fire: -  
           1. If your body is muscular (athletic) and of  medium stature.
            2. You are frank, free, direct & energetic.
            3. You want to take charge of, want to lead.
            4. You are extrovert.
            5. You are a doer.
            6. You are  hot headed, irritable, impatient.
            7. You are savior want to help those who are in need.
            8. You are just & logical.
            9. You over look details and take a snap decision intuitively which are most of    the  times correct.
          10. You suffer from high fever, burns, boils, acne.

         If most of the features are present than your body is Fire/ Mesomorphic/ Choleric.

Endomorphic, Water: -  
               1. You are flabby and short.
               2. You are slow, dull, and dazed.
               3. You take  some time to warm up to start anything.
               4. You are adjusting, adaptable and accommodative.
               5. You  love home and hearth.
               6. You usually suffer from cold & cough, acidity and bowel problems.
               7. In childhood you suffer from tonsils, ear discharge or some ENT problem.
               8. You are introvert.
               9. You are a good listener. You express precisely.

 If most of the points or features belongs to this than you are Water/ Endomorphic/     Phlegmatic.

Cellular, Earth: - 
1.      Your body is solid fibrous and cellular i.e. rough & tough.
2.      You may be lean & thin or over weight & of short height.
3.      You are introvert, serious, perfectionist, you have plan, routines
4.      You are slow, steady & serious.
5.      Usually you become intolerant to those who are not neat & sincere.
6.      You  rarely suffer from any diseases but when you suffer it takes time for      recovery.
7.      You easily become upset and depressed which are the root cause of the sickness i.e. due to negative thoughts.
8.      Most of the time you look at the dark half of the moon.

These are the four unique types but most of the people are a combination of two types, but s/he shall be known by the dominant traits.

The body types are inherited from parents. Hence, normally they cannot be changed easily. But one can perfect himself or herself by overcoming the short coming. This will give peace and perfection in body, mind & soul. One learns to live in cooperation and with perfect harmony with others.      

Monday, October 18, 2010


In a female child the vaginal pH is alkaline. After menarche it becomes ACIDIC during the reproductive age. At menopause it becomes alkaline again.
In males SEMEN is alkaline so that sperms can survive.

Ring Finger Male ~ Index Finger Feminine

If the Ring Finger is larger than Index Finger---> Extrovert, competitive, leads.
If index Finger is Longer than Ring Finger---> Introvert, feminine, cool.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


                             CHARACTERISTIC OF MANGLIK GIRL

1. Body built is "Athletic Type". In medical science they are "Mesomorphic".
2. Palm is hot and muscular.
3. Legs are hairy, not silky.

1. Extroverts
2.Want to lead and be in lime light.
3.Angry, malelike likes & dislikes
4.Highly ambitious and competitive, from MARS.
5. Likes cool and cold, intolerance to heat.

Marriage: match BLOOD GROUP

My research indicates one should match "Blood Group" in place of matching "HOROSCOPE". If daughter is MANGLIK don't get panicky, see cancellation of DOSHA in her own horoscope or in the horoscope of the GROOM. It is foolish to search a MANGLIK GROOM because the girl is manglik. However in most cases matching "Personality Type" and "Blood Group" is more scientific and practical.
Please feel free if you have any query?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


                                                             SEASONS IN INDIA
There are six seasons in India. Summer, Rain and Winter are the three main seasons. Seasons have profound effects on inanimate and animates as well. This is due to Sun.

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