Thursday, November 4, 2010

THE ECTOMORPHS: Lean with weak muscles, no fat.

THE ECTOMORPHS: Lean, weak muscles, no fat. NARAD: God's messenger!!!
Air Signs:
Air rules:
3. Gemini, the Twin – Mercury
7. Libra, the Scale – Venus
11. Aquarius, the Water Bearer – Saturn, Uranus

Temperament: warm & MOIST

Air signs are ectomorphic i.e. inner germinal layer is more developed. They are lean, thin and tall with angular body. Their complexion is usually dark or sanguine. Face, nose and chin are long. Dentures are irregular. Hazel eyes, small and quick, darting. The eyelashes are thin. Joints are prominent. Arms are long. Dark dry hair. Fingers are longer than the palm. Palm is usually cold and dry. The temperament is abounding in heat and moisture.

Positive qualities: fun loving, all-round, quick, fond of reading and writing, can receive a good education, inclination for music, drawing, painting, dancing, languages, mentally active, manual dexterity, lively, ingenious, inventive, quick witted, good disposition. Sometimes shy and retiring. Good natured, humane, loving but changeable, like variety and change. They are after new and unique. Forgetful, superficial and simple.

Negative qualities: changeability, lack perseverance, talkative, undecided, imitation, impulsive, odd, eccentric, ups and downs, unreliable, unpredictable, impressionable. Fearful, purposeless, shy and weak willed. No routine and budget.
General Characteristics: Ectomorphics are lean, thin, tall with dry hair and skin tend to snack. They grasp things quickly but are forgetful - short-term memory. They worry a lot and are full of anxiety. They sleep lightly, cannot keep still, have to keep moving or do something, talk quickly, and are enthusiastic, creative, like to travel a lot. These people dislike cold and dry, are prone to constipation and flatulence.
Body Frame:
·          Lean                                                      
·         Thin                                                         
·         Tall
·         Ectodermal tissues well developed
·         Angular.
  • Sharp
  • Keen
  • Grasp Easily
  • Short term memory, forgetful
  • Intelligent
Skin condition:
  • Cold and Dry
  • Lack of tone or luster
  • Chapping and cracking, scaling-fish skin
  • Rough patches
  • Dry eczema
  • Rashes, corns and callouses
  • Appetite variable, nibbling
  • Bowels: constipated, flatulent, blind piles, tenesmus, ineffectual desire to defaecate
  • Stool: Dry, scanty, brown, blackish
Genito Urinary Tract
  • Urine: scanty, smoky, hesitancy
  • Periods: scanty, irregular, brown/ blackish
  • Sex: Capricious, foreplay
Cardio Vascular System and Respiratory System
·       Pulse: Low volume, thready, sinuous, tachy arrhythmia, ectopics
·       BP: Systolic Hypertension more common
·       Heart: Rheumatic valvular lesions
·      Lungs: dry, non-productive cough, pneumonia, fibrosis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, and dry pleurisy.


Air Signs tend to suffer from mental stress, psychological disturbances, rapid mood swings, nervous breakdown, phobias, Illusions, schizophrenia, circulatory disorders, functional disorders, constant worries, palpitations and breathing problems.
Recuperative power is unpredictable and response to remedial measures is erratic. They respond to suggestion, hypnotism, magnetism and electrical therapies more easily. Diagnosis is difficult in most of the cases. Usually the investigation reports are not of much help. In these cases astrology may give a clue to their diseases.

Pointers of AIR/ Sanguine Temperament
1. Attention seeker:
2. Approval seeker
3. Activity: they are extroverts and like social interaction. They enjoy outdoors, mixing with friends and family. They are free flying birds. They feel like a lion put in a cage when restricted to move. Encourage social activities and spending sometime in enjoying outside in hotels, visiting new places. Plan some special events in house or outside.
4. Wants affection: wants love. He has childlike appeal. A lot of energy and time is at demand.
Your Melancholic or Phlegmatic spouse will have difficulty in coping with your talkativeness and lot of activities. They simply can’t match you. They may get annoyed if you hang on them always for approval and affection. You must realize they have their own temperaments different from you. Share with them and enjoy.
Advice: sanguines are always after shortcuts to have fun and enjoyments. They do not like instructions, as they are hurdles to fun. They ignore instructions and directives. Saurav, my son,  got a costly camera from his mousi because she knew that he was fond of photography. But months passed, he had not read the instruction manual or cared to fill up the warranty card. He took the snaps under automatic settings, but he still didn’t have a clue how to use all other features to get the best pictures. He is lazy. He finally asked his Fiery friend to tell him the features of the camera. His friend asked him to show the instruction manual supplied with the camera. He was shocked, as he had thrown that in the dustbin. The Airy learn best by interaction. They can’t read big volumes. They get easily bored. They can’t concentrate in books for long. However they enjoy fiction and adventure books. Class books accumulate dust on the self. The notebooks are full of drawings and sketches, no notes from the class.

Fun and Work:
Fun and work go side by side. They are not serious worker. One day my Phlegmatic wife told my Sanguine son to get shampoo from the shop. On the way he forgot and came empty handed to ask his mother again. My Choleric daughter Rashmi remembers minutest details of everything. She can do multiple tasks at a time with perfection. Rashmi surprises my Phlegmatic wife. My sanguine son Saurav dares not to do two tasks at a time. He either gets confused or forgets the second task while half doing the first. Sanguine Saurav makes work a fun. So if you fall in love with a Sanguine soul don’t be too serious or neat. Take life less seriously to enjoy life with him. Don’t forget to praise him, to coax him for a task well done. He enjoys secretly your appreciations. 

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